Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Traditions - A Pirate's Night Before Christmas

I'm a huge sucker for family holiday traditions.  I hear of friends who wrap their siblings' gifts in a very difficult way every year or get "magic" pajamas every Christmas Eve that allow Santa to visit them and I'm so jealous.  Growing up, we didn't really have holiday traditions.  That's a lie... our family tradition was experiencing car trouble on our many miles of travel.  We would travel to Southern California and then up to Las Vegas to celebrate with family and inevitably, something would go horribly wrong.  It would always end with Dad saying, "Next year - they're all coming to us!"

Other than that, my mom and I didn't bake cookies together every year.  There wasn't a special gift exchanged between my brother and me.  Christmas was a lot of traveling... we didn't really have time for traditions, in the cheesy, heart-warming sense of the word.

Therefore, when my husband and I celebrated our first Christmas together, it was important for us to have a tradition that was uniquely ours {aside from the argyle sock exchange}.  I found the book "A Pirate's Night Before Christmas" at Barnes and Noble and knew this was perfect - it's fun, quirky and absolutely adorable.

So, after we got home from Christmas Eve dinner with his family, we changed into our pajamas, cuddled under a blanket at the base of our lit tree and Chris read aloud the tale.  He even did voices for the different characters!  After the tale was over, we tucked the book away, turned off all the lights and went to bed giggling.  It was the perfect way to end the day.

Every year since then, we have read the story together on Christmas Eve under the tree.  It's a sweet moment for the two of us.  I just can't wait to share the tale with our future hypothetical children - I only hope they love Pirates and Christmas as much as we do!

What are your family's Christmas Traditions?

You can buy "A Pirate's Night Before Christmas" on Amazon, here:


  1. A family tradition we have is simple. It starts at 7am. Since my hubby is OCD we always get a big trash bag ready for the wrapping paper and a basket for me for the ribbons and bows.< I keep. :) . The boys sit in their little chairs and hubby separates all the presents for each one of us. We then go from youngest to oldest to open the presents. This way the little one won't want our presents because he got his first. :P Then my husband is oldest so he sits down last and then Kit the oldest kid picks up his trash. Its clean and tidy after all is said and done. While the kids play with toys, I cook breakfast. We sit and eat breakfast and watch the Grinch who stole Christmas or Home alone.....then about 11am the rest of the day goes on to three more houses.....

    1. How sweet! Sounds like your Christmas is much cleaner than mine! Haha! :)

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