Thursday, January 29, 2015

Gift Bag Artwork

Gift-Bag Artwork

This is the easiest and most random craft ever.  I was in Target and fell in love with this extra-large gift bag. So I figured, how great would it be to make it so I can keep it forever?  I bought the bag on sale (only $3.00) and I got the canvas on sale at Michael's (noticing a theme here?).  You can easily substitute wood cut-outs or boards in place of the canvas.

Back at home, I cut down the side of the bag and carefully cut off the bottom so the bag would lie flat.

Next, using an X-acto knife and straight-edge, I cut out the design from the bag.

Working quickly, I applied Mod Podge all over the canvas and to the back of the bag.  Using a roller, I made sure I didn't have any bubbles.  Because the bag is a matte color, I did not apply Mod Podge all over the bag.  If you don't mind or would like the added seal, I would cover the entire picture in Mod Podge.

For extra security, I applied a small dot of Tacky Glue under the sides that were not fully adhered to the canvas.

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