Friday, January 3, 2014

Just Stash January

My friend Virginia over at Scribbles & Bits has offered up a challenge and this girl is taking it.  For the month of January, I will join her the quest to reduce my craft stash by only using what I have already purchased.  The only exclusion to this rule is adhesives {I may need them to put things together!}

Since moving into our new house, I've discovered a horrendous number of projects that have never been completed - some were never started!  I still want to complete them, I promise!  I just have such bad crafting A.D.D. that I move onto bigger and better things without thinking about what I may be leaving behind.

Not this month.

This month I will complete projects and use up some of my crafting stash.  I will not purchase any new materials.  I will accept the challenge.

Will you?

Join us on the journey.  
You can find Virginia at Scribbles & Bits.  


  1. Yay! We'll reduce the stash together!!!! And the craft A.D.D. gets me too every time! :)
