Saturday, December 14, 2013

You've Been Elfed!

Have you been elfed or jingled? 
This is a great neighborhood tradition spreading across America.
I've even created a "work edition" because I think it's just so much fun!

Don't know how to play?
Find out now!

Simply print off two sets of the appropriate tags {below}.
Create a goody bag of seasonal fun.
You can include candy, toys, and other gifts.
{This year I received a sugar cookies mix!}
Place the "You've Been Elfed" notice on the outside 
and the "We've Been Elfed" notice on the inside.

To deliver...
Leave the goody bag on the doorstep...
Ring the doorbell...

Oh yes, it's a grown up version of ding-dong-ditching!

Once you've been elfed or jingled, 
be sure to hang the "We've Been Elfed" tag in your front window
so people know you've already played.

Give it a try and start a new tradition today!

You've Been Elfed - Work Edition

**See the updated You've Been Elfed Printables here.**

Happy Holidays!