Thursday, February 7, 2013

Valentine's Felt Heart Garland

Everyone needs a little heart decor for Valentine's Day.  Staying true to my 3 Month Crafting Challenge, I used felt scraps leftover from my Fourth of July Felt Wreath and yarn from a knitting project.  I absolutely love how adorable this garland turned out and I'm so happy I can share it with you!

(1) 8 1/2”x 11” sheet of cardstock
White and Red Felt
Pink Yarn
Large Sewing Needle
Fabric Scissors


1. Print instructions on cardstock paper. 

2. Use scissors to cut out hearts for templates on felt.

3. Cut 2” x 2” squares of felt.  Remember this can be approximate.  Don’t waste your time being exact.

4. Lay template over stack of felt and cut out hearts.
5. Cut yarn to desired length.
6. Use large sewing needle to thread hearts onto yarn.
7. Finish off by tying knots on the end (so your hearts don’t fall off) and hang!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!