Sunday, January 20, 2013

Marathon Bib Holder

First, let me make it clear that I am not a "runner".  I have gone on runs and I have participated in a charity "run", which I can only describe as a jog/walk.  However, my husband (who is a "runner") and I have earned ourselves some marathon bibs.  Por ejemplo {for example - for you non-Spanish speakers}
They are cute and a great mark of achievement.  So I've kept them... with no place to put them.
Until now.

While sorting through my stash of craft supplies 3 Month Crafting Challenge ideas, I came across a wood plaque that I had previously written off as unusable.  You see, back in the day, when I was not so skilled with a spray paint can, I had sprayed this plaque with white satin paint.  Well, it bubbled along one side of the face.  Really, what was I supposed to do with that?!

Obviously, it wasn't ruined - I was just disappointed in my skills.  I pulled out the plaque and it really wasn't so bad.  Why not turn it into something?  Meet the Marathon Bib Holder.
Wood Plaque
Paint Brushes
Alphabet Stencils
Screw-in C-Hooks
Picture Hanging Hook

1.  Use paint to coat entire plaque.
 Because of the bubbling, I used a tapping technique to disguise some of the bumps.
Allow to dry completely.

 2.  Use stencils and pencil to sketch out the word "RUN" on the d
 Fill in with complimentary paint.
Allow to completely dry.

 3.  I used a paint pen to outline the words.  They needed a little pop and I totally dig on the Grecian color scheme.

4.  Gather up your hardware.  Oh, yes, mine was just laying on the table like this.  Cuuute!

 5.  Measure the midpoint on the back of your plaque.  I used a hanger that just needed to be hammered into place.  Some require nails or screws.  Use whatcha got!

6.  Measure the distance between the two bib holes.  I also measured up 2" from the bottom of the plaque and screwed the hooks into place.
 **TIP!  Sometimes it's hard to get the screws started.  Using a hammer and a nail smaller than your screw, gently tap the nail in where you want your screw to go - just a smidge, not too deep - and remove.  This will create a hole where the screw can catch on the edges.
 Add bibs, hang and enjoy.  We hung ours in the garage right above our running shoes.  So far, it's been very motivational!  So happy they have a home now AND that the messed a plaque has a purpose.  :)


  1. Step 1) I need to go walk/jog/run a marathon!
    Step 2) I need to make this! This is so cute and would totally motivate me! Great as always!

    1. Remember when we said we'd do the Tinkerbell Marathon together this year? Haha. We should really get on it for next year. Then we could be the happiest people on Earth in the happiest place on earth. :)

  2. Shadow Creation is the process to change the color of an image or video..Shadow Creation It means correcting the lighting, white color balance, red or blue color balance, so that the image looks more clear or natural

  3. Shadow Creation is the process to change the color of an image or video..Shadow Creation It means correcting the lighting, white color balance, red or blue color balance, so that the image looks more clear or natural

  4. يهتم الدكتور محمود ناصر افضل دكتور متخصص في علاج دوالي الساقين بالليزر في مصر بذكر افضل علاجات للدوالي الا وهي :
    العلاج الموضعي: يتم استخدام العلاج الموضعي عن طريق وضع كريمات وزيوت تساعد على تقليل الألم وتحسين تدفق الدم في الأوردة.

    المعالجة بالليزر: يستخدم الليزر لعلاج الدوالي من خلال إجراء عملية جراحية صغيرة لجعل الأوردة الدموية تتصل ببعضها البعض وتقليل الانتفاخ.

    الجراحة: تعد الجراحة هي الحل النهائي لحالات الدوالي الشديدة والمتقدمة، وتتضمن إزالة الأوردة المتضررة جراحيًا.
