Saturday, December 1, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Calendar

I've dreamed of making this advent *slash* Christmas countdown calendar ever since I saw a version of it on Pinterest.  I am a big fan of having a way to countdown to Christmas with activities, as well as treats.  This holiday is so hectic and I want to make sure I make time for all the people and things I love.

Wood Board {Used: Piece of plywood, for the texture, 6 feet by 8 inches}
Spray Paint
Acrylic Paint
Wood Clothes Pins
Wood Square Pieces
Magnets {Used: Roll of magnet strip and cut to size}
Hanging Wire
3M Command Hooks
Paper Cutter
Wrapping Paper
Mod Podge
Measuring Tape
Hot Glue Gun and Glue

Here's What You Do

There is no cookie cutter way to go about this.  I started by spray painting the board all white and painted a thin layer of white acrylic paint on top.  I used spray paint first as a quick primer - otherwise the plywood would have soaked up a gallon of acrylic/craft paint.  Obviously, "a gallon" is an exaggeration, but it would have been a lot.

While I waited for the board to dry, I cut wrapping paper (very carefully!) with a paper cutter to fit the clothes pin.  I applied Mod Podge to the clothes pin and then Mod Podged over the top of the wrapping paper.  You only need to do one side as the other side will be glued down.  I chose to do every other one - you may want to do every one.  Your calendar - your choice.

For the daily activities, I printed the activities onto cardstock and cut out to size.  I used Mod Podge to adhere paper to wood square pieces.  The magnet strip was cut down to 1/2 inch and one side was hot glued to the back of the tag.

For the numbers, I used a scrapbook page that contained a Christmas design with the numbers.  Mod Podge was used to adhere the numbers to the board.

I then went to town with the hot glue gun and attached all of my other elements {the magnets and clothes pins}.  Husband drilled some holes in the corners for me.  Attached a little hanging wire and TA-DA!

**One thing of note, make sure you take into account the weight of the treats, in addition to the board.  3M Command hooks can be purchased at various weight capacities - make sure you buy the appropriate one.

Why not make the advent calendar even more fun?!  My husband and I each buy 12 very small gifts (candy, goofy toys, temporary tattoos, etc) to put in our countdown calendar.  We wrap them privately and hang them at random on the calendar.  Makes the calendar fun for everyone involved!

Our 25 Days of Christmas Activities
1. Put up Advent Calendar
2. Deck the Halls
3. See a Holiday Production
4. Game Night
5. Christmas Photos
6. The Feast of St. Nicholas
7. Shopping Day
8. Craft Day
9. Christmas Cards
10. Letters to Santa
11. Christmas Stories
12. Date Night
13. Clean Out for Charity
14. Company Holiday Party
15. Holiday Music Sing-a-long
16. Bake Cookies
17. Charity Donation
18. Movie Night
19. Wrap Gifts
20. Look at Christmas Lights
21.  A Very California Christmas
22. First Day of Winter Hot Cocoa
23. Dinner with Friends
24. The Night Before Christmas
25. Christmas

 Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. It is the best Christmas calendar and the best thing I liked in it is the movie night plan with friends and family, I always love such things to do at home. Even right now I will watch the voice 2022 in UK with my family at home.
