Wednesday, March 25, 2015

1,000,000 Pageviews Giveaway {Winner}

Thank you to everyone who entered the 1,000,000 Pageviews $100 Michaels Stores Giveaway.  I appreciate all the sharing and following excitement. 

We have a winner....
Congratulations to Laura!  So excited to send you your gift card.

Stay tuned for more crafting and diy goodness coming up in April!  I'm over the moon about the projects I'll be sharing!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Celebrating 1 Million Pageviews!

My blog hit a HUGE milestone this month and it's time to celebrate!

The Creative Cubby has officially hit over 1,000,000 pageviews!  Wow!  That's a lot of zeroes!

First and foremost, thank you so much for being  a Creative Cubby reader/follower.  This blog has been a fulfilling and educational journey.  I have learned so much about crafting, blogging and myself through this process and I'm so glad to have you all along for the ride.

More projects and fun are coming to the Creative Cubby.  Trust me... my To-Do list is getting mighty exciting!  Keep your eye on the Etsy Shop for new products and stay tuned... I'll be sharing a really amazing project soon!

In the meantime, let's celebrate!!!

Who wants to win a $100.00 Gift Card to Michaels Stores?!  You know you do!

Entering is easy!  Simply use the Rafflecopter entry form below to earn your virtual raffle tickets.  Contest ends next Tuesday, March 24th!  There will be one winner.  Good luck!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Jen, oh, Jen, Where Have You Been?!

A friend recently contacted me and asked the question...

Are you still crafting?

Now, let's not get too carried.  I haven't been bloggy-tastic due to personal and work commitments, but I assure you, I'm still crafting.

So, what have I been up to?

Instead of giving you the age-old "I have a day job" speech, I'll just say - I've been busy.  I've been working on a few projects at home that are taking longer than expected and therefore, are not bloggable.  One in particular will knock your socks off!  I promise you.

Another project, I finished recently.  How. Cute. Is. This?!

The pattern is Batman Enemies by CloudsFactory.  I adore the simple shapes and easy stitching.  The final product came out to a 5" x 7" - perfect for framing and gifting.  :)

In the meantime, I've been working to create cross stitch patterns of my own.  You can see the full collection in my Etsy shop.

More crafty goodness is coming soon.  I promise!  Stay tuned and thanks for sticking around!